Ren's Corner
Welcome to my corner of the Earth
Words are simply a way to transcend what lays on your spirit, and express what roams on your mind. This space was created for the purpose to share that.
Whilst I am an everchanging being, just like you, my writing evolves too. So, having a safe space to be the writer I am and explore the demands of my voice is essential to my growth.
I hope you find something here that resonates with your soul, sparks an idea, or even hands you comfort in your own world of wordplay <3
"What Comes Next?"
So, let yourself change.
Honor the evolution that blessed us with your existence and with your multifaceted mind.
This world is finally yours to explore, to a larger extent.
As you change, so will your interests. Don’t let something which you’ve outgrown anchor you to a version of yourself that doesn’t exist.
Accept change.
You’ll find that your soul purpose is mostly about allowing yourself to appreciate every season which you inhabit, and every interest which you allow your mind to roam. Soak it all in and get excited.
What comes next?
Have a seat in Renee's Corner
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